Literature Department Financial Support

Students admitted to the Ph.D. program will be offered a financial package of guaranteed support for five years. Guaranteed support comes in the form of a combination of Teaching Assistantships, opportunities for Teaching Fellowships, and departmental or extra-departmental research fellowships. Teaching Assistant positions are the primary method of support. 

Admitted students will receive an offer of financial support along with their admission. At minimum, that support would include tuition, fees, individual health insurance, and salary/stipend of approximately the TA salary. ($34,000 per academic year for 2024-2025) Specific financial offers are provided to admitted students. 

Students past the period of guaranteed support are often able to obtain teaching appointments in our own or other departments or units across campus, as well as campus-wide or extramural fellowship support. There is a non-negotiable limit of 18 quarters of Teaching Assistantships/Teaching Fellowships support.