Emeriti Faculty
George T Amis
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Literature Department
Karen L Bassi
- Title
- Professor
- Department
- Literature Department
- Website
- Summary of Expertise
Classics; Greek and Latin literatures; gender; literary and cultural theory; pre- and early modern studies; historiography; visual and performance studies; mortality studies; tragedy; museum Read more ...
Murray Baumgarten
- Title
- Distinguished Emeritus Professor of English & Comparative Literature
- Founding Director of the Dickens Project
- Projects Coordinator Jewish Studies
- Department
- Literature Department
- Website
- Summary of Expertise
Dickens; Victorian literature and culture; the Bible; translation; modern Jewish writing; the Holocaust; Venice, the Ghetto of Venice, Italian Jews, Italian Culture.
Margaret R Brose
- Title
- Professor Emerita
- Department
- Literature Department
Julianne Burton‑Carvajal
- Title
- Professor Emerita
- Department
- Literature Department
John Ellis
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Literature Department
John O Jordan
- Title
- Research Professor
- Dickens Project Director
- Department
- Literature Department
- Website
Norma Klahn
- Title
- Professor Emerita
- Department
- Literature Department
H M Leicester
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Literature Department
Nathaniel E Mackey
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Literature Department
- Creative Writing Program
Pascale Mackey
- Title
- Professor Emerita
- Department
- Literature Department
Loisa C Nygaard
- Title
- Professor Emerita
- Department
- Literature Department
Daniel Selden
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Literature Department
- Website
- Summary of Expertise
Hellenistic Literature
Mediterranean Studies
Literary Theory
Film Studies
Reception Studies
Politics Read more ...
Paul N Skenazy
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Literature Department
- Humanities Division
Richard Terdiman
- Title
- Research Professor
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Literature Department
Thomas A Vogler
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Literature Department
Michael J Warren
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Literature Department
Karen T Yamashita
- Title
- Professor Emerita
- Department
- Literature Department
- Creative Writing Program
- Critical Race and Ethnic Studies